Nonprofit Partner

The Vail Craft Beer Classic is proud to support our nonprofit partner, the Vail Valley Mountain Trails Alliance


The Vail Valley Mountain Trails Alliance (VVMTA) strives to maintain, advocate for, and build sustainable, non-motorized soft surface trails. Their mission is to build trails and conserve the natural environment of Eagle County and public lands.


The VVMTA is the leading advocate for soft-surface trails in Eagle County, CO. The VVMTA’s vision is to create a multi-use trail network. The trails connect communities and neighborhoods from Vail Pass to Basalt. The VVMTA promotes stewardship of public lands, sustainable trail building practices, and a balance between recreation and conservation. The VVMTA maintains the philosophy that trails contribute to the quality of life and economic vitality of the community.

Support the VVMTA: Adopt A Trail Wildlife | Ambassadors| Volunteer Opportunities| Improved sustainability and user experience of existing trails | New trail construction | Local and regional trail system planning and funding | Trail crew leader and volunteer training | Educational and community events | Organizational management and operations | Public lands access and advocacy

Help us support our nonprofit partner by volunteering for the festival. signup will be announced in February.